‘Awareness-raising activities are needed to prevent violence against women’
Tunisian women demand more awareness-raising activities and education programs be carried out to prevent violence against women “because Tunisia has laws protecting women’s rights and women are unaware of these laws.”

Tunisia- Globally, women are subjected to all forms of violence due to the patriarchal mindset and the failure of the authorities in preventing gender-based violence and the policy of impunity. In the Middle Eastern countries suffering wars and conflicts, women are subjected to many rights violations.
Tunisia, one of the Middle Eastern countries, has long been seen as a pioneer for women's rights. Although the country has laws on women’s rights, violence against women is on the rise due to ineffective implementation of the laws. NuJINHA spoke to Tunisian women about the increase in gender-based violence in the country.
‘Awareness-raising activities are insufficient’
Badia Kadri thinks that awareness-raising activities in the central and southern parts of Tunisia are insufficient. “Awareness-raising activities are carried out in Tunisia, changing the patriarchal mindset. Women now speak out against gender-based violence, especially domestic violence more. Women need more awareness-raising activities to prevent violence against women.”
‘Women are unaware of laws’
Afifa Hani, one woman from Tunisia’s Sidi Bouzid city, spoke about women’s struggle against gender-based violence. “Women do their best to defend their rights and fight against gender-based violence thanks to awareness-raising activities. Awareness-raising activities carried out by NGOs are important to ensure that women know and defend their rights because Tunisia has laws protecting women’s rights; however, women are unaware of these laws.”
Enas Omri, another woman from Tunisia’s Sidi Bouzid city, thinks that one of the reasons for the increase in violence against women in Tunisia is that women do not know their rights. “Women do not know the laws protecting women’s rights. Women survivors of violence do not report violence because they do not know anything about the law combating violence against women and legal procedures. More awareness-raising activities and education programs must be carried out to combat violence against women and change the patriarchal mindset in society.”