‘Afghanistan should be cleared from the Taliban’
A group of women released a statement on the anniversary of the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan. “Afghan women demand their country to be cleared from the Taliban so that women will not be victims of gender-based violence and discrimination.”

News Center- A group of Afghan women living in Iran has released a writing statement to mark the second anniversary of the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan.
The statement is as follows:
“On August 15, 2021, when the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, the lives of people collapsed and people lost their hope for the future. Collective and individual freedoms disappeared and darkness and ignorance disappeared. Two years have passed since the Taliban, a terrorist group, took control of Afghanistan. For two years, the whole world has witnessed all war crimes, inhuman practices against the people of Afghanistan. Forced displacement, genocidal attacks, racist discrimination and terrorism have become a part of Afghanistan.
In the week of solidarity with the people of Afghanistan, we call on the protesters and organizers of global protests and demonstrations, the United Nations, the international community, international human rights organizations to be in solidarity with us and to hear our demands.
Our first demand: Afghanistan is now the place and shelter of a group known as a terrorist group all around the world. The countries that have been involved in the issue of Afghanistan are responsible for preventing the terrorism in Afghanistan.
Our second demand: The Doha Agreement signed by the United States and the Taliban, which caused the country to fall into the hands of the Taliban, the displacement of millions of people, poverty, gender-based discrimination must be cancelled.
Our third demand: Afghan women make up one-half of Afghan society; however, they have been deprived of their rights by the Taliban. Afghan women demand their country to be cleared from the Taliban so that women will not be victims of gender-based violence and discrimination.”