‘A network should be established to provide support to Palestinian women’
Human rights activist Hanadi Akila stresses the need to implement the four Geneva Conventions, international lobbying and advocacy efforts for protection of women and girls in armed conflicts.

Gaza- In conflicts, women and girls are particularly vulnerable, facing sexual assault, early marriage, unemployment, many forms of violence, displacement, torture and many more.
Palestine has been suffering from Israeli occupation and siege for about 56 years. The rights of women and girls have been violated due to the ongoing conflicts. Palestinian human rights activist and lawyer Hanadi Akila demands the implementation of international conventions protecting women and girls.
“Four Geneva Conventions must be implemented. Palestinian women and girls need international lobbying and advocacy efforts to protect themselves in conflicts. A Network should be established to provide support to women and girls and monitor their conditions.”
‘We urgently need international humanitarian law’
Indicating that the international humanitarian law aims to prevent and alleviate human suffering in war without discrimination based on sex, Hanadi Akila said, “Women and girls are particularly vulnerable in conflicts. In conflicts, they are first killed, injured, displaced and tortured. The living conditions of Palestinian women have been worsening due to the Israeli occupation and siege. As Palestinian women, we urgently need the international humanitarian law to be implemented in Palestine.”
‘Israel has ignored the international conventions ratified by it’
Emphasizing that Israel has ignored the international conventions ratified by it, Hanadi Akila said, “Palestinian women and girls are subjected to rights violations in Israeli prisons because Israel has ignored the international conventions and law. We cannot shut our eyes to these rights violations. Palestinian women and girls are subjected to systematic violations.”
‘Israeli siege prevents humanitarian aid’
Pointing out that Palestinian women suffer from a lack of health services and psychological support, she added, “Israeli siege prevents humanitarian aid from being sent to Palestine. Palestinians have no access to adequate food, medicine and other essential supplies. Palestinian women and girls need international efforts to push Israel to implement the international law and conventions, and ensure services to women in order to preserve their lives and dignity.”
Pointing to the need for establishment of a network for Palestinian women and girls, Hanadi Akila said, “There is an urgent need for lobbying in order to establish a network providing support to women and girls and monitoring their conditions.”