Çarşema Sor: Yazidis visit graves of their loved ones
Yazidis have been celebrating Çarşema Sor by organizing various activities; they have visited the graves of their loved ones, lit candles and made wishes.

Shengal (Sinjar)-Yazidis annually celebrate the Yazidi New Year, also called Çarşema Sor (English: Red Wednesday) or Çarşema Serê Nîsanê (English: Wednesday at the beginning of April) on the first Wednesday of April.
The Yazidis in Shengal have been celebrating their new year since last evening by organizing various activities.
In the morning, the Yazidis visited the Martyr Dilgeş and Martyr Berxwedan cemeteries in Shengal. They left flowers on the graves of their loved ones. Some Yazidis came from Europe to Shengal to celebrate Çarşema Sor.
‘We freely celebrate our New Year thanks to our martyrs’
Sabriye Dutar came from Europe to Shengal in order to celebrate Çarşema Sor. “I wish a happy new year to all Yazidis and the families of martyrs. We came from Europe to Shengal in order to celebrate Çarşema Sor. We are always subjected to attacks because of our religion. Despite all the attacks, we, as Yazidis, as families of martyrs, will never give up on our religion. We freely celebrate our New Year today thanks to our martyrs. We will protect their legacy.”
‘I call on all Yazidis living in Europe to return to their homeland’
Pointing to the Turkish occupation in Afrin, Sabriye Dutar said, “The Yazidis living in Afrin have been subjected to many violations. The Yazidis living in Afrin are kidnapped, forced to convert to Islam, killed and enslaved. The persecution against a Yazidi is the persecution against all Yazidis. For this reason, we must protect our culture and achievements with all our strength in Shengal. Yazidis of all ages should take a common stance against the attacks on our culture and achievements. They should unite. I call on all Yazidis living in Europe to return to their homeland to celebrate Çarşema Sor together.”
Yazidis will continue to celebrate their New Year by organizing various activities in many parts of Shengal today.