‘924 animals were killed, 14,900 decares of land burned in the fire’
924 animals were killed, 14,900 decares of land burned in the fire that erupted in an area between Amed and Mardin, Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry said in a statement on Monday.

News Center- İbrahim Yumaklı, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, has announced Monday that the damage assessment for the fire that sparked by an electrical fault in an area between Amed and Mardin has been completed.
Fire killed 924 animals
“The damage assessment for our farmers has been completed. In Diyarbakır, 7,900 decares of agricultural land was burned in Köksalan, Bağacık, Yaz Çiçek and Ağaçsever neighborhoods of Çınar district,” İbrahim Yumaklı said on his social media account. 6,789 decares of agricultural land was harvested and there was only stubble and 1,111 declares of agricultural land were not harvested, according to his post.
“In addition, 1 tractor and 14 irrigation facilities were burned,” his post said, adding that 924 sheep/goats perished in the neighborhood of Köksalan and 83 seriously injured sheep/goats that could not be treated were sent to the Meat and Milk Board (Turkish:Et ve Süt Kurumu, ESK)for slaughter. The ESK bought these animals from their owners. 190 animals were treated at the scene.”
According to the statement, 7,000 decares of agricultural land was burned in Yetkinler and Yücebağ neighborhoods and Kelek hamlet of Mardin’s Mazıdağı district. 4,000 decares consist of unharvested wheat area and 3 thousand decares consist of stubble.