75 women killed by men in last two months
75 women, including a transwoman, were killed in Turkey between September 1 and November 22, according to the report released by the Socio-Political Field Research Center (Sosyo-Politik Saha Araştırmaları Merkezi).
News Center-According to the recent data compiled by the Socio-Political Field Research Center from the news reported in the local, national and online press in Turkey, 75 women, including a transwoman, were killed and 42 more died under suspicious circumstances, 113 were subjected to violence, 28 children were sexually abused in Turkey between September 1 and November 22, 2021.
Women were killed by men closest to them
39.2% of women were killed by their husbands, 14.9% of women by intimate partners, 6.8% by their ex-husbands, 8% of women by their sons, according to the report.