4 years of occupation in Afrin… women suffer in occupied Afrin
Identity erasure, systematic relocation and extermination, resettlement operations, assassinations, and rape of women within and outside of detention centers.

Shahba - Since March 18, 2018, the Turkish state and its mercenaries have committed total identity annihilation, systematic displacement and extermination, settlement processes, homicides, and rapes of women inside and outside detention centers in Afrin. They have also violated international laws, treaties, and human moral standards.
Women are subjected to a wide range of assaults simply because of being women. They are killed, displaced, and incarcerated due to hostilities, pestilence. But rape, in particular, is used as a weapon against Afrin's women.
More than 84 women have been killed, six more committed suicides, while over 1,000 women have been kidnapped, more than 70 have been sexually abused, and over 216 have been injured, according to the Human Rights Organization in Afrin. Laila Mahmoud, a member of the Human Rights Organization in Afrin told us the rights violations against women in Afrin during the last four years.
"Afrin was one of Syria's safest areas."
"When the Turkish attack on Afrin began, all heavy artillery and jets were used against helpless, innocent people. The heinous attacks resulted in mass killings and massacres,” Laila Mahmoud said.
“Over the last four years, Afrin's people have been subjected to the most atrocious violations”
"The main objective of the occupation of Afrin is to change the demographic structure of the area,” Laila Mahmoud said, adding, "Turkey and its mercenaries have committed the most heinous crimes and atrocities against Afrin's people, especially women, including killing, kidnapping, looting, expropriating civilian assets, and expanding settlements. Turkey has also increased its breaches in order to evict the remaining inhabitants and make Afrin a part of its territory.
Underlining that the women of Afrin are the ones that suffered the most rights violations, Laila Mahmoud said, "Incomparable atrocities have been perpetrated against women. Turkey is seeking retribution against women who were once powerful in society prior to the invasion. They were fierce, self-reliant women with strong voices. Women in NE Syria have proven their social stance since the revolution began, that’s why the Turkish occupiers first target women in Afrin in an attempt to destroy the women's will.”
667 people have been murdered and 8,180 have been kidnapped in the last four years
According to the Human Rights Organization in Afrin, the number of victims killed during bombardment and torture has reached 667, while at least 8,180 people have been kidnapped, and the destiny of many of them remains unknown.
About environmental degradation and its consequences Laila said, “Since the invasion of Afrin, mercenaries have cut down trees, ruined ancient sites, and stolen them. Over 34,000 olive and forest trees have been cut down and over 12,000 trees were burned, in addition to the destruction of a third of the agricultural land. The excavation of over 60 archaeological sites was conducted, and many significant shrines of the Yazidi and Christian religions were dismantled"
Women are the victims of a wide range of offenses and atrocities
Stating that many Qatari, Kuwaiti, and other organizations support Turkey's displacement policy, Laila said, “Turkey has pursued a demographic transformation program assisted by Qatari and Kuwaiti organizations to limit immigrants from other regions.”
In the last four years of the occupation of Turkey in Afrin, 84 women were killed, 6 of them committed suicide as a result of the violations practiced against these women, and more than 1,000 women were kidnapped, while sexual assault cases exceeded 70, and more than 216 women were injured, according to the reports on rights violations committed by Turkey against women in Afrin.
"In Afrin, Turkey has waged a Turkification campaign by displaying its flags, changing the names of villages and streets to Turkish names, forcing everyone to transact in Turkish currency, and enforcing students to learn the Turkish language in schools,” Laila added.
"Human rights organizations must ensure the safe return of Afrin's citizens”
All the report prepared by the Human Rights Organization in Afrin has been summited to many human rights organizations and countries but there is no interest in the reports.
“A so-called committee was formed to end rights violations in Afrin; however, no citizen of Afrin has applied to the committee against rights violations they have faced. After the formation of the rights violations against citizens have been increasing. The al-Amshat factions are committing atrocities against Shih inhabitants, the most recent of which was the kidnapping of a citizen named Hevin Tari on suspicion of dealing with the previous administration in Afrin, despite her efforts to help women,” Laila told us.
At the end of the interview, human rights activist Laila Mahmoud called on all human rights groups and responsible authorities to take action and oppose the Turkish occupation and armed factions, stop rights violations against civilians and women, respond to grievances against Afrin residents, and ensure the safe return of the displaced.