Pharmacist Farac Hassaneh produces organic products in her kitchen

Farac Hassaneh is a pharmacist and she has begun to produce organic, additive-free skincare products after setting up a laboratory in her kitchen.

Ramallah – Mother of three, pharmacist Farac Hassaneh (32) was born and grew up in Dubai. She graduated from the faculty of pharmacy, “I moved to Ramallah in 2011 and got married. I began to work and became a member of the Palestinian Pharmacists' Union in 2012. I worked for a pharmacy and pharmaceutical warehouse,” said Farac Hassaneh while talking about how she started working. Farac Hassaneh always had different interests and she decided to set up a science lab in her kitchen.

“I studied at Birzeit University to do master degree as part of the “Pharmaceutical Industry Technology” program and I had my master degree in 2019; my thesis was on improving the permeability and penetration of a painkiller in the skin,” said Farac Hassaneh.

She discovers beeswax

Farac Hassaneh began to work in another field; producing beeswax. During one of her holidays, she saw how the candles were produced in a store she visited and she thought she could her own candles. The owner of the store taught her how to make a candle. “I always thought about making candles. I looked for materials to produce candles and I contacted many people in the European countries,” said Hassaneh.

After many experiments and researches, “I also worked on my thesis in the laboratory of the Birzeit University and carried out experiments. I produced many products containing 100 percent natural and organic ingredients.”

She teaches how to take care of the skin using natural methods

Hassaneh attended an online course opened by the "Milady" Medical Skin Center in America to develop her own project while teaching skin science and care at one of the skincare centers in Ramallah.

Farac Hassaneh, who registered for her brand at the Ministry of Economy earlier this year, aims to encourage people to use natural products. She emphasized that she needs new materials and equipment to develop and expand her project.

“I faced many difficulties in each stage of the project. I faced difficulties to finds materials, I didn’t have enough knowledge but obtaining raw materials with high quality encouraged me to keep working.”

Hassaneh then understood that she had to improve herself in photography in order to promote her products, “I took courses to introduce my products on social media platforms.” Hassaneh continues to produce in her lab and share the pictures of her products on her social media accounts.