Şîlan Ehmed supports economic development by opening restaurant

Şîlan Ehmed, who opened a restaurant called “The Kitchen of Şîlan” in Qamishlo in 2022, calls on women to participate in the labor force in order to achieve their economic independence and support economic development.


Qamishlo- Women leading the revolution in Rojava have played a leading role in rebuilding an equal and free life. They participate in the labor force to support economic development.

Şîlan Ehmed (29), who lives in the city of Qamishlo, is one of them. She supports economic development of the region by opening a restaurant called “The Kitchen of Şîlan” in Qamishlo in 2022.

‘I opened the restaurant thanks to the revolution in Rojava’

“I opened my restaurant in 2022 thanks to the revolution in Rojava,” she told us. “Earning my own money by working is a great feeling. I will also employ women, who want to participate in the labor force.”

Speaking about the challenges faced by her, she said, “In the beginning, I faced various challenges; I had a small kitchen and the materials we used were very expensive. But I overcame all the challenges with the support of my spouse and family.”

Currently, four women work full time at the restaurant. “Sometimes, our number increases to 10. At the restaurant, we serve traditional foods such as stuffed meatballs, gözleme (flatbread), and sarma (a traditional food made of vegetable leaves rolled around a filling of minced meat, grains such as rice). We serve different traditional foods according to seasons. I also promote and sell food on my social media account.”

Şîlan Ehmed wants to expand her business in the future. At the end of her speech, she called on all women to “participate in the labor force to earn their own money. The revolution gave us the opportunity to participate in the labor force. We will use this opportunity to support economic development.”