Sena Xidir appeals to Yazidis: Return to your homeland

Sena Xidir returned to Shengal a year after the ISIS attacks. She appealed to Yazidis, who were forcibly displaced from Shengal, “Return to your homeland, if we unite, we can protect ourselves.”

Shengal- Sena Xidir is from Dohla village of Shengal and makes her living from agriculture. When she was a child, her family took her with them when they went to the fields. She loves taking care of the land. Her family members and she grow vegetables and fruits and they harvest them every year in February. When ISIS attacked Shengal on August 4, 2014, they were working in their fields. They headed for Western Kurdistan when they saw ISIS members and stayed there for a year. After a year of staying in Western Kurdistan, they returned to Shengal and began to plant vegetables.

She loves taking care of the land

“You must be patient to take good care of the land,” Sena Xidir feels good when she takes care of the land. Sena Xidir pointed to the importance of land for Yazidis, and adding, “Land is sacred for us.  When we take good care of the land, it gives us whatever we want from it.”

“Return to your homeland”

Sena Xidir told us they plant many things such as sesame, sunflower, grain in their fields. Apart from farming, they also care for farm animals. Sena Xidir appealed to Yazidis, who were forcibly displaced from Shengal, and said, “Return to your homeland, if we unite, we can protect ourselves.”