Teacher of school bombed by Turkey: “This crime should not go unpunished”

The primary school of Til Temir’s Gozeliyê village was renovated and opened again for the 2020-2021 academic year with the efforts of the villagers for their children. But Turkish airstrike shelled the school on June 26. Neda Silêman, the teacher of the school, called on the international courts to not allow this crime to go unpunished.


Hasekê – On June 26, Turkish airstrikes shelled the school of the Gozeliyê village of Til Temir, district of NE Syrian Hasekê city. The airstrikes reportedly continued until July 26. Targeting civilians, places of worship, and children is a war crime but Turkey continues to commit war crimes in Syria.

“Turkey denies international law”

“Turkey denies the law, constitution, and international law. It attacks hospitals and civilian settlements, it shelled our school. Our school is destroyed,” Neda Silêman, the teacher of the bombed school, told our news agency.

“We opened the school with the support of families”

The primary school in the village was renovated and opened again for the 2020-2021 academic year with the support of families, “The families wanted their children to go to school despite the ongoing war in the region. The families mobilized to open the school,” Neda Silêman said the students living in other villages also came to Gozeliyê village to receive education at the school.

“If it was for summer holiday…”

Turkey shelled the school during the summer holiday so no one was injured in the bombardment. “The school has 84 students and 10 teachers. If it wasn’t for summer vacation, the children and teachers would have been killed in the bombardment. The school is now in ruin. Three parts of the school building were completely collapsed,” said Neda and she called on international courts to take necessary steps to punish Turkey.

“Turkey should be prosecuted according to the principles of international law. It committed a war crime. The UN should see this crime.”