Sara Organization to keep fighting violence against women in 2022

Sara Organization is a women’s organization fighting violence against women in the Euphrates Region, NE Syria. Qudret Osman, a member of the organization, spoke to NuJINHA about their projects and work in 2022. “We will hold workshops to provide psychological support to women. We will realize our current projects and develop more projects for women and children,” she told us.


Kobanî – Sara Organization is a non-government organization combating gender-based violence and all forms of discrimination. Founded on July 1, 2013, in the city of Qamishlo, NE Syria, the organization has opened offices in many cities. In 2015, it opened a branch in Kobanî. While it has carried out many works since its foundation, the Sara Organization has empowered women’s participation in every part of life such as in politics, economy, and social life.  Women from all sects and ethnic groups can be members of the organization.  We interviewed Qudret Osman, a member of the Sara Organization in Kobanî, about their activities in Kobanî to prevent violence against women.

What is the purpose of the Sara Organization? Could you tell us about your activities?

Sara Organization was founded to combat all forms of violence against women. We carry out activities to solve problems in education, social life, and the judicial process. Our aim is to fight all forms of violence against women, including physical and psychological violence. As the organization, we have regulations but our organization shapes its regulations according to the needs of each region.

What kinds of violence did women face in Kobanî in 2021?

We had applications from women, who were subjected to all forms of violence such as physical and psychological violence. Kobanî is a place where has a male-dominant society. We have struggled against male-dominant society and tribalism that want to confine women at home. In 2021, women faced verbal violence the most. 2021 was the year when women and girls were mostly subjected to verbal and psychological violence. According to our report, about 80 or 90 women were subjected to physical violence in the Euphrates Region in 2021. 13 women were driven into suicide, 16 women tried to kill themselves.

Is there any difference between the figures in 2021 and 2020?

Every year, we prepare our report by comparing our previous report. The number of women subjected to violence in 2021 increased compared to the previous year because violence is more visible now. Actually, we cannot say the number of women subjected to violence increased in 2021; we can say that violence becomes more visible because there are more women’s organizations combating gender-based violence. The patriarchal mentality of society and the ongoing war in the region cause the increase of violence against women.

Do you have new projects in 2022?

We have many projects for 2022. One of them is to open centers to provide psychological support for victims of violence. We will also hold a regional workshop to raise awareness of society against gender-based violence. We will hold more workshops in cities, towns, and villages to prevent violence against women. The door of our organization is open for everyone.