People in Hasakah canton break their fast under artillery fires

Women living in the Zirgan (Abu Rasin) town of the Hasakah canton struggle to survive under the Turkish attacks. They have to break their fast under artillery fires.


Hasakah- The people living in the Zirgan (Abu Rasin) town of the Hasakah canton are one of the places most affected by the Turkish attacks in the region. “Not only us, but even our stones, lands, hills, and trees are resisting,” they say that they will never leave their town no matter what happens. The citizens spending the month of Ramadan under the sounds of falling bombs have broken their fast in their houses.

“Our shelters are the Zirgan stream bed and our mudbrick houses”

Helima Hewaş, who lives in the Ereb Xan village of Zirgan, told us their area is under non-stop artillery fires. “Artillery fires and the bombardment in this area have been intensifying. Yesterday, the artillery fires started just five minutes before the iftar and continued until suhur. Despite the attacks, we continue to live in our village. During almost every iftar and suhur, we hear the howitzer and artillery sounds. When the bombardment starts, we go to the Zirgan stream bed to take shelter or stay in our mudbrick houses.”

“The invaders continue to shoot artillery”

Speaking about their preparation for the Eid al-Fitr holiday, Helima Hewaş said, “Despite the limited opportunities, we try to make preparation for the Eid al-Fitr, we try to buy new clothes for our children. But artillery fires of the invaders our lives in danger. Several families had to leave the village due to the ongoing artillery fires. We haven’t sent our children to school for a week because we are afraid of the artillery fires. All we want is peace. We are also afraid that our fields and wheat crops are damaged by the attacks. We demand these attacks end to have a peaceful life again. We will resist the attacks.”

“We live between the village and desert”

Fatima Hemud is from a village near Mount Kizwan but several years ago, her family had to leave their village due to ongoing attacks in their village. “We were forced to leave our village. We have lived in Zirgan for two years and six months. We are in a blessed and holy month, but the Turkish state and its factions have no respect for it. The village is bombed every day. When the bombardment starts, we go to the desert and when it ends, we return to the village. We live between the village and the desert. We live in fear because they can attack the village at any time,” she told NuJINHA.

“All we want is the end of the war”

Speaking about their lives in the past and today, Fatima Hemud said, “We can no longer go to distant cities and regions as before, and we cannot even visit nearby villages. We cannot participate in any special days such as weddings or funeral ceremonies. All we want is the end of the war.”