‘Our real holiday will start when we have humane living conditions’

“Our real holiday will start when we have humane living conditions,” said Nafiseh Shams, an Afghan woman, talking about the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha.


Kabul- The Muslim holidays of Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha are celebrated every year in Muslim countries. In Afghanistan, these holidays used to be welcomed with joy and happiness. Due to conflicts and wars, these holidays are no longer welcomed with joy. Before taking control of Afghanistan, the Taliban carried out suicide attacks especially during these holidays, killing hundreds.

Poverty, unemployment and food prices have soared in Afghanistan since the Taliban's takeover in August 2021. These holidays are no longer important for Afghans living on the breadline.

As a NuJINHA team, we visited Nafiseh Shams, who lives in a dilapidated house and works as a street vendor in district markets in Kabul. “You are the first people who visited us today,” she told us,” she told us. “My children and I do have no Eid anymore. We can hardly afford our daily expenses. We are not the only ones living in poverty. The majority of our people suffer from poverty.”

‘We spend our days hungry’

The husband of Nafiseh Shams was injured one of the suicide attacks carried out by the Taliban. “My husband cannot work anymore. My children and I have to work. Before the Taliban’s takeover, my husband had a small shop and we had a good life; however, we have had a poor life since my husband was injured. We spend our days hungry. It is a holiday but not for us. I make great efforts to buy a piece of bread for my children.”

Nafiseh Shams also suffer from high food prices. “Our house is an old house. It is cold in winter and very hot in summer. I cannot buy food for my children because of their high prices. We do not have any holidays. Our real holiday will start when we have humane living conditions. The government of the Taliban does not hear the demands of Afghans. It does not provide services to the people.”