Fathers force their daughters into child marriage in Iraq

In Iraq, a 12-year-old girl was forced into child marriage by her father. The video of the wedding, which was shared on social media platforms, sparks anger in the country. We spoke to victims of child marriages and their families in Iraq.



The number of child marriages has been increasing in Iraq. At the end of October, a video of the wedding of a 12-year-old girl was shared on social media platforms. The video sparks anger in the country.

Campaign against child marriage

In the video, the mother of the girl calls on the authorities to save her daughter from her father. According to the received reports, the father decided to force her daughter into marriage with the brother of his second wife. After the video spread on social media platforms, women’s organizations launched a campaign and called on the authorities to take measures against child marriage.

“Shocking” statement from Iraqi Ministry of Interior

Iraqi Ministry of Interior released a statement on October 29 and said, “Sharia and laws allow child marriage if the father permits.” Activists and women’s organizations criticize the statement of the ministry.

Laws pave the way for child marriage

Article No.188 of the Iraq Personal Status Law of 1959 restricts child marriages (by setting the legal age of marriage at 18 years), bans forced marriages, and restricts polygamy. The first paragraph of Article 8 states that if a 15-year-old person asks to be married, the judge can authorize the marriage if the eligibility and physical ability of the person in question is proven. And this article paves the way for fathers to marry off their daughters under the age of 18.

The child was raped

We contacted the mother of the girl. She didn’t want to be named for security reasons. The mother told us she had to leave her son and daughter with her mother due to her job. “But their father took them from me by using this against me. I could only talk to my children on phone. Their stepmother told me my daughter had been raped by her brother. My husband tried to solve this problem by forcing my daughter into marriage. When my daughter called me and told me everything, I decided to announce this on social media platforms. What happened to my daughter is a crime. Rape crime has turned into a marriage crime.”

“Child marriage is a crime”

Activist Banin İlyas follows the incident. She decided to launch an online campaign to protect the rights of the girl. “Child marriage is a crime against children.”

“I wish it was all a dream”

15-year-old L.A. was forced into marriage with her cousin two years ago. “I returned from the school and I saw my uncle and his son in our house. When they greeted me, I was surprised and did not understand what was going on. Then, I learned that he asked my father for permission to organize the marriage of his son and I, and my father gave his permission. I didn’t know anything about marriage. It scared me. Now, I have health problems and go to hospitals to get well. My relationship with my husband is not strong. We don’t talk much. He goes out very early and comes back very late. My husband has to take care of his family consisting of 12 persons. I have to clean the house and cook. I wish it was all a dream and then I could wake up.”

Her daughter is one of the victims of child marriage

45-year-old S.W. has dedicated her life to her three daughters after the death of her husband. “Despite everything, I was happy to be able to raise my daughters. When my daughters grew up, my happiness ended. Their uncles and cousins claiming that they were the leaders of my family began to make decisions about our lives. One of the brothers of my husband forced my 12-year-old daughter into marriage with his son under the name of honor. I couldn’t object to him. I feel guilty because I couldn’t save my daughter.” Her daughter lost her life because she became pregnant at a very young age.

Laws should be activated

Academic Nada Al-Abeyd told us that the Iraqi male-dominated mentality allows men to act as they want. “Religion, laws, tribes, and customs control Iraqi society. The weakening of laws and the nature of tribal society play an important role in increasing child marriage. The laws should be activated to combat child marriage. Women should be economically empowered,” she said.