Children of Idlib deprived of education
Women and children are the most affected by wars and conflicts. 3.2 million Syrian children are out of school without any opportunity to access learning and another 1.3 million are at risk of dropping out of school due to the ongoing war in Syria. While Idlib is one of the cities, where more children are deprived of education, the children of Idlib want to go to school.

Idlib- According to UNICEF, 3.2 million Syrian children are out of school without any opportunity to access learning and another 1.3 million are at risk of dropping out of school due to ongoing war in Syria. Idlib is one of the cities, where more children are deprived of education. Many schools in the city are unusable due to both living conditions and the presence of different regional armed groups. The situation of children living in the refugee camps is worse. Most children living in the camps cannot go to school. According to reports, more than 1.6 million people live in the refugee camps located in Idlib, and 680.000 of them are children.
25-year-old Suham Hal Ahmed is one of the volunteer teachers working in the camps. She has worked as a volunteer teacher in the camps for two years. “These children have great ambition and dream to learn. But they have to grow up in the camps that the world forgets without going to school. The children living in these camps suffer from all negative effects of the war,” Suham Hal Ahmed said.
He wants to realize his dream
Mohab Huseyn has lived in a refugee camp in Idlib with his family since 2019. He always dreams of going to school but he couldn’t go to school because there wasn’t any school in the camp he lives. “We heard that international organizations will open a school in the camp. But no school has been opened although years have passed.”
She wants to be a doctor
Asaad Borgul is another child being deprived of school in the refugee camp. “I want to be a successful doctor to treat children who are sick in the camps, but first I have to go to school. There is no school in the camps but we want to go to school. When children get sick in the camps, doctors don’t come to camps because they are far away from the city center. If I become a doctor, I will treat the sick children,” she told us.