Êzidî women rebuild life after returning to their holy land

Êzidî women, who were forcibly displaced from Shengal by ISIS, have returned to their holy land. “We will never again leave our land” said Êzidî women, who have rebuilt their lives.


Shengal – In the 21st century, hundreds of thousands of people had to leave Shengal to not be killed. On August 3, 2014, a genocidal attack was carried out against Êzidî people. They call the attacks carried out by Daesh against them as the “73rd Decree”. The survivors of genocide had to go to many countries. Years have passed and less than 50.000 Êzidî people have returned to their homeland until now. Shengal is a holy city for the Êzidî people and the Êzidî people returning to Shengal say they will never leave Shengal again.

They rebuild their lives

Êzidî women, who have returned to Shengal despite all the obstacles and impossibilities, have been rebuilding their lives in their city. Henîf Qaso is one of these women, who had to leave Shengal. Her family took shelter in the South of Kurdistan after fleeing from the genocidal attacks. “We faced many difficulties in the camp. We faced many bad situations. Our children died in the fire broke out in the tents,” Henîf Qaso said while talking about what had happened in the refugee camp in the South of Kurdistan.

“Our lives changed after the decree”

Henîf told us that Daesh members targeted mostly women during the decree, “We lived on our way before the decree but our lives changed after the decree. Everything passed but we still have wound. Now, I understand very well that the Êzidî women were targeted the most. Actually, we wanted to return Shengal just after its liberation but we couldn’t because of the effects of war, especially for economic reasons. We should build our houses again, find a job but these conditions haven’t been provided yet.”

“All Êzidîs should return to their land”

“We became happy when Shengal was liberated. We wanted to immediately return but we were told that we couldn’t leave the camp. And now, we are in Shengal. We were threatened for months to not return Shengal because there are those who do not want Êzidîs to return to Shengal and those who want to leave Shengal without Êzidîs.” Henîf said and she called on all Êzidîs to return to their land. Henîf is very happy to return to her land.

“I will never leave my land again”

Asiya Simo is another Êzidî woman returning to Shengal. “Although we have gone through difficult times, now I know that my own land is the safest place for me. My land is so beautiful, its smell, air, wind… This land is our land, it is our homeland. The homeland of everyone is a holy land. I will never leave my land again.”

“I am so happy to return”

Nadir Elyas is an old woman. She took the risk of losing her life on the roads to return to Shengal. “I am so happy to return to my homeland. The lands of Shengal are holy lands. We shouldn’t have left our homeland even if we were poor, hungry, and thirsty. Now, I understand better that life is more beautiful in Shengal.”