8th anniversary of liberation of Tabqa: Women participate in municipal elections

The municipal elections are considered as one of North and East Syria’s victories, which have been achieved after years of liberating many areas from the atrocity of Daesh mercenaries.

Yosra Elahmed

Raqqa – On the seventh anniversary of the liberation of Tabqa city women confirmed that the liberation was an important stage in their reality, emphasizing the intensification of their struggle to protect their wealth gains during a special war against them.

During the control of Daesh mercenaries,the city of Tabqawitnessed a black era. The most heinous crimes and violations were practiced against people, especially women; they were murdered, tortured, taken as captives and stoned until they were liberated. On March 21, 2017, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced a military offensive operation to liberate the city of Tabqa, also called "Fury of the Euphrates".  The operation lasted for 48 days and the city was liberated on May 10. For women, the liberation of the city was the point of salvation from the atrocity of Daesh. Seven years have passed since the city was liberated. The people of Tabqa have been working to develop themselves and rebuild their lives since then.

On the seventh anniversary of liberation of Tabqa, Huda Al-Ali,the administrator of the Zenobia Women's Community in Tabqa, said ''The liberation was a historic moment, as a quantum leap especially for women, and the salvation from the atrocity of Daesh mercenaries. The city was liberated thanks to the sacrifices of our young men and women.”

She talked about the changes that occurred in the reality of women seven years after the liberation of Tabqa and said, “There is a big change in the women's reality, During the control of Daesh mercenaries, women suffered from marginalization, repression and extermination, After liberation, women were able to discover themselves, their strength and the truth of their existence. They have played a leading and pioneering role in all facets of life such as military, politics, social life and economy. They have embodied their roles in the co-presidency system.

''Through their achievements and victories during the women’s revolution, women have proven that they have played a prominent and notable role in all facets of life; they have participated in all institutions and sectors. Recently, they voted in the primary elections to choose their mayoral candidates. These primary elections are a new experience in the Middle East to achieve further development, progress and victories.”

She pointed to the important role of feminist organizations and movements in raising awareness and liberating women's thoughts. ''Many feminist organizations and figures have played a prominent role in enhancing the role of women and raising awareness.

“They hold seminars and workshops to clarify the importance of introducing the concept of a democratic nation and its principles to women to achieve gender equality.”

Regarding the special methods of war carried out by dictatorial countries against women, she said, “Both the occupying Turkish state and authoritarian regimes aim to destroy women's strong will and achievements, but we will not surrender to them. We will grow our determination and resistance to achieve more victories and liberate all the occupied areas.”

Huda Al-Ali continued her speech saying, “We will continue to follow in the footsteps of our martyrs, who wrote the history with their blood. We promise them that we will not stop for a moment in preserving the great legacy they left us, and work to spread our international and free democratic project to all around the world.”

The member of the executive council of the city of Tabqa, Juri Ahmad  described the news of the liberation of Tabqa as “It was the beginning of a breakthrough for women towards their liberation and society.Despite all the obstacles that faced on their path to success, they were able to change their reality.”.

Referring to the role of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) in promoting women’s role, Huda Al-Ali said, “Women played an important role in establishing the AANES, its system, civil, military and women's institution. Moreover, they have become social and political decision-makers, promoting their self-confidence, and free and strong will. The system is based on democracy led by women, unlike the systems ignoring the role of women.”

She called on all women to be strong and follow in the path of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan. “They must intensify their struggle to protect themselves and their society and preserve the achievements of their revolution'.”

Regarding the rights violations against women when Daesh controlled the city, Amira Hamo , a member of the Civil Council ,said '”Women were excluded from social life and did not know what was going on outside of their homes. It was a dark era for women because women were prevented from leaving their house and forced to wear in black and not speak because their voice was shameful''.

The liberation of the city was a rebirth for the city, she said. "It was a newborn for free thoughts. Now, women are active members of their society."