18-year-old friendship at Halabja Monument: Kişwar û Nexşînê

Nexşînê and Kişwar are two women working at the Halabja Monument for 18 years. People visiting the monument are used to see these two women together. Working at the Halabja Monument brings also psychological problems but these two women overcome all problems together.


Sulaymaniyah- If you visit the Halabja Monument, you will see two women receptionists. Those who already visited it definitely saw them. Nexşînê and Kişwar... They have worked at the Halabja Monument together for 18 years. They welcome and host all guests with their smiling faces; they tell what happened in Halabja and give information about the monument. Nexşînê and Kişwar have done many things together after working together for years. Even if there is no obligation to wear a uniform, they prefer to wear the same clothes and they told us that they are happy to wear the same clothes.

“We are always together”

“We have worked here together as sisters and friends for 18 years. We are together from morning to night. We love doing our job and because of our loyalty to this monument, we are always together and we will be together,” Nexşînê Selam said to summarize their friendship.

Working at the Halabja Monument

Kişwar Mevlude told us that her friendship with Nexşînê Selam began in 2006. “Working at the monument is spiritually empowering you; we know more about our history and tell our history to other people. It is the Halabja Monument so working here is also emotionally very impressive,” said Kişwar Mevlude, who believes that their friendship also allows them to overcome all psychological problems and other problems together.