Video from women to protest Turkey’s withdrawal from Istanbul Convention

Koro Mor, an all-women musical group, has shared a song video named, “There is a riot!” to protest Turkey’s official withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention.

Koro Mor, an all-women musical group, has shared a song video named, “There is a riot!” to protest Turkey’s official withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention.

News Center - Koro Mor, an all-women musical group of the Education and Science Workers' Union (EĞİTİM SEN) Istanbul Branch No. 2 has shared a song video to protest Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention.

As of today, Turkey formally withdraws from the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, also known as the “Istanbul Convention”. Women across Turkey have protested the decision. Koro Mor has shared a song video on YouTube. “We joined our voice to the voices of those who say we don’t give up on the Istanbul Convention, our lives, rights, equality, and freedom; There is a riot!” the women say in the video.