Theaters, cinemas reopen in Morocco 2 years after Covid-19 shutdowns

Theaters and cinemas are slowly reopening in Morocco nearly two years after Covid-19 shutdowns. We talked to Bahia Founoun, a theatre player for 22 years, about the theater in Morocco, the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects on culture and art.

Morocco- Theaters and cinemas are slowly reopening in Morocco nearly two years after Covid-19 shutdowns. Theaters owners are making preparation, and you can feel the arts and summer breeze with hope in the streets. We had a pleasant conversation with Bahia Founoun, a Moroccan theatre player for 22 years, about the pandemic and her works.
Bahia Founoun founded an association named, “Association Bahia Founoun” in 2008 and the association has staged many theatre plays until now. The association is now making preparation to stage two theatre plays called “Sedat” and “Precious Treasure” after facing shutdowns and strict guidelines during the pandemic.
“When I heard the news, I went on the stage and started taking deep breaths”
A year after Covid-19 shutdowns on theaters and cinemas in Morocco, Moroccan authorities have finally announced that they are reopening them to revive the industry. What was your reaction when you heard this news?
I felt like I died when theaters and cinemas were closed down due to the pandemic because theatre is my love. I was looking forward to taking the stage again. When I heard the news, I went on the stage and started taking deep breaths. I felt I was very happy. I felt my soul returning to me again. It is difficult to express the excitement I felt when I heard the news. But I can show it on the stage.
We have faced a long pandemic period. Were there lessons learned both personally and in the world art, particularly in the field of theatre?
I have learned many lessons. When the first coronavirus case was announced, and the number of cases increased, the Moroccan authorities announced that all theaters and cinemas were shut down due to the pandemic. I felt bad for a while because I had to stay at home. But I soon realized the situation. I thought of some details in my life and focused on some of them. I began to think about my mistakes in the past and I signed up for online personal development and communication courses. Actually, I collected many things to use in the theater.
Do you think the pandemic will have an impact on the Moroccan theater?
Yes, there will be some works about this pandemic that has affected the world and caused many people to suffer from it and the millions of deaths globally. I will hear ideas about the pandemic in the cinema and theater industries. This is a positive thing because the artists represent their society.
Works embodying this period will emerge, and they should emerge. We didn’t know that one day we would not be able to travel, going to a café or restaurant; we would be stuck in houses and respected a social distance. But we have experienced these and surely, the art will be affected by all of these.
They demand social security for artists
What should be focused on to strengthen the art-theatre community?
I think we seriously need a clear public art policy to strengthen the arts sector in Morocco. For this reason, we call on the Moroccan government, the Ministries, and the members of the Parliament to take a step about this issue. The artists should be protected. The artists should be protected to protect the art.
You like working on the stage and you founded an association for theatre, what do you think about the Moroccan theatre?
Some people perform theatre by chance; I am against this idea because I believe that every space has its own style. I think everyone is successful in their own field. The theatre players shouldn’t think about other things than their performances. There are many theatre players who work in different sectors at the same time; I don’t like focusing on more than a sector. I prefer to focus on the theatre only.
What do you think about the situation of Moroccan women? Do you carry out works especially for women?
I support women’s participation in business life and politics. But there are many barriers against women being free and these barriers should be overcome. I try to show on the stage that Moroccan women have power in society thanks to laws issued for women’s rights. We try to highlight the value of women in society.