Gender roles to be changed by “Venus”

Venus Development, Education and Rehabilitation Center located in Damascus is a center founded for those who want to criticize and evaluate the progress of the arts, develop their skills in many fields such as media and public relations, and effective communication. The center refuses the “cliché” roles imposed on women in the film industry. Zeynep Cûbrî, director of the center, says they have worked to change the gender roles in the industry.


Damascus- In Syria, as more women have taken part in the film industry, such as in movies, TV series, or drama, the Venus Development, Education and Rehabilitation Center aims to change the image of women in a visual world and to reduce violence in media. “In the movies shown in Syria, women have mostly performed the roles of taking care of the family, being focused on children, cleaning the house, and serving men. Unfortunately, the first role of the women is to serve men,” said Zeynep Cûbrî, director of the center.

“Women's issues are discussed in family programs”

There are women refusing these roles but they have been subjected to social oppression, Zeynep Cûbrî said, “The drama is not enough to describe the realistic image of women and the tragedies they have suffered. We need the drama that brings out the beauty that reflects positive behaviors. Women’s issues are rarely discussed in the media but they are discussed in family programs. When women’s issues are discussed, actually the family’s problems are discussed as if they are individual personal problems. These programs are intended to create a perception saying that the women have no problems.”

“Violence is normalized”

The dramas, movies, and TV series can be used to eliminate violence against women, Zeynep Cûbrî said, “The dramas and TV series include violence against women. Violence is normalized by dramas and TV series and we have to change this in order to eliminate violence.”

“Venus is the center of those who want to improve themselves”

Zeynep Cûbrî told us the purposes of Venus Development, Education and Rehabilitation Center with the following words; “It is one of the centers for those who want to criticize and evaluate and change the progress of the arts, to have training in media and public relations, and to develop their skills in effective communication. It also provides many courses such as dance, painting, cinema, drama, shouting films and it provides many other cultural activities.”