Zeyneb Xoresan: 2023 was the year of protecting values
Zeyneb Xoresan, member of the Democratic and Free Society of Eastern Kurdistan (KODAR) spoke about the uprising in Eastern Kurdistan and Iran and said, “2023 was the year of protecting values”.

Sulaymaniyah- The protests that sparked in Eastern Kurdistan and Iran following the killing of Jina Mahsa Amini by Iran’s so-called “morality police” on September 16, 2022 have been led by women chanting the “Jin, Jiyan, Azadi” slogan.
In an interview with NuJINHA, Zeyneb Xoresan, member of the Democratic and Free Society of Eastern Kurdistan (KODAR) evaluated the developments in Iran and Rojhilat Kurdistan in 2023. “In 2023, the Iranian regime attacked women more systematically than ever before to take revenge on women. Hundreds of women were arrested, detained and executed in 2023.”
‘2023 was the year of protecting values’
Zeyneb Xoresan said that women from Eastern Kurdistan struggled in 2023. “2023 was the year of self-knowledge and protecting values. Women of Eastern Kurdistan have a deep culture. When you look at the history of Eastern Kurdistan, you will see that women have led all protests, uprisings and revolutions. They have played an important role in all uprisings. They have always made great efforts to change the system and government. In the last two years, their leading role has become obvious.”
‘The Jin, Jiyan, Azadi uprising highlights leader Apo’s influence on women’
Pointing to the strong women of Eastern Kurdistan and Iran, she said, “ The misogynous Iranian regime has intensified its attacks on women. Despite the ongoing attacks of the regime, women are determined to resist. The Jin, Jiyan, Azadi uprising highlights leader Apo’s (Abdullah Öcalan) influence on women. His philosophy has become the basis of women’s struggle for freedom. Women of Eastern Kurdistan and Iran demand equality in all facets of life now. The women of Eastern Kurdistan and Iran know themselves better now and they fight to protect themselves and their identity. Once again, they rise up against patriarchy.”
‘Women have paid the heaviest price’
Zeyneb Xoresan also commented on the misogynous policies of the Iranian regime. “The Iranian regime has intensified its attacks on women leading the uprising. It has used every means and method to suppress the uprising and intimidate women. Undoubtedly, women have paid the heaviest price. Women are the most affected by the social crises. Women should unite to end violence against women, child marriage and femicide.”
‘We have to hear the songs sung in prisons’
Speaking about the arrested women in Eastern Kurdistan and Iran, she said, “Hundreds of women were arrested, detained and executed in 2023. Verishe Moradi, a member of the East Kurdistan Free Women Society (KJAR), was arrested along with Pexşan Ezîzî by the Iranian regime. Our comrade Verishe Moradi is a women’s rights defender. Every day, women are executed in Iran. The Iranian regime uses such inhuman methods to intimidate resisting women in Eastern Kurdistan and Iran. We have to hear the songs sung in prisons for freedom.”
At the end of her speech, Zeyneb Xoresan drew attention to the struggle for freedom in Eastern Kurdistan and Iran. “We must be the voice of resisting women in Eastern Kurdistan and Iran. Women all around the world should raise their voices for women in Eastern Kurdistan and Iran. Everyone should oppose the attacks on women.”