Young women of Shengal march to mark Yazidi Genocide anniversary
The young women of Shengal held a march to say they do not forget the genocide committed against their community on August 3, 2014.

Shengal (Sinjar)- Young people held a march led by Shengal Young Women's Union in Shengal to condemn the genocide committed against the Yazidi community on August 3, 2014. The young people carried banners and photos of those who lost their lives in the genocide and shouted slogans during the march. The mass marched until Medreseya Sor (Red Madrasa) and issued a statement there.
“The KDP is responsible for the genocide”
Indicating that they have gone through a significant turning point as Yazidis of Shengal, the young women said in the statement that thousands of Yazidis were killed and abducted during the genocide. “Don’t forget” the statement said, recalling that many Yazidis, who fled to the mountains of Shengal, died of thirst and hunger in the mountains. “The KDP is responsible for the genocide. The Peshmerga forces laid down arms and fled to Southern Kurdistan.
The statement is as follows:
“We haven’t forgotten by whom we were sold and by whom we were saved. The fighters of the HPG-YJA Star, YPJ-YPG saved us from the atrocity. Hundreds of Yazidis have been rescued from ISIS and reunited with their families. Our enemies should know very well that we will never give up our faith. We thank leader Apo (Abdullah Öcalan) and his fighters, who saved us from the genocide.”
“We will lead”
Pointing out in the statement that their community is now self-organizing, developing their defense forces, the young women said, “We will lead our community. We will not allow more massacres to be carried out against our community and avenge our martyrs. We promise.”
Sara Botan, a member of the Shengal Young Women's Union, made a speech after the statement was issued. NuJINHA spoke to Şîlan Şengalî, Ehlam Borik and Sêvê Şengalî, young women participating in the march. All women we interviewed demanded the recognition of their autonomy as the Yazidi community, freedom of all abducted women by ISIS and the end of attacks on Shengal.