Yazidi Women's Aid Network: Iraq creates obstacles instead of rescuing women
The Yazidi women, who came together to mark the anniversary of the genocide committed against Yazidis on August 3, 2014, promised to rescue the women being held captive by ISIS.

Shengal (Sinjar)- The people of Shengal, who faced the genocide committed by ISIS on August 3, 2014, in front of the world, commemorated those who lost their lives in the genocide and said that they do not forget those who remained silent during the genocide.
The Yazidi Women’s Aid Network has released a statement in the Shengal’s Old Bazaar, where thousands of women were sent to slave markets, to mark the anniversary of the genocide. The members of the network carried the photographs of Yazidi women, who were killed or sold as slaves in markets.
“We will fight to rescue the women being held captive by ISIS”
Şadiya Dawud read the statement on the behalf of the network. Underlining that the women and people of Shengal never forget the genocide, she said that they still make efforts to find the missing people of the genocide.
“We once again condemn the genocide committed against our community by ISIS on August 3, 2014. Thousands of our people were killed and abducted during the genocide. We call on all human rights organizations and women’s organizations to struggle for the rights of the Yazidi women and to stand by the Yazidi women. As the Yazidi Women’s Aid Network, we will rescue all women held captive by ISIS. We will fight to rescue the women being held captive by ISIS.”
“Iraq creates obstacles”
Feride Şengali pointed out that the Iraqi state creates obstacles for those who want to rescue the enslaved Yazidi women instead of helping the women. “One of our main duties is to rescue women from ISIS,” she said. Recalling that 500 Yazidi women were rescued with the support of the SDF, Feride Şengali underlined that they faced many obstacles in transferring the rescued women to Shengal. “Iraq creates obstacles,” she said that they faced many problems even when they tried to transfer the rescued women to Shengal due to the embargo and obstacles.
“The survived women are the witnesses of the genocide”
“The survived women are the witnesses of the genocide,” Feride Şengali said that their testimonies are needed during the lawsuits filed or likely to be filed against ISIS and that all courts members should be sensitive to all women, the witnesses of the genocide.