Women of Sweida: The economic collapse affects all sectors
The women of Sweida think that Syria has been suffering from an economic collapse in recent years due to the government’s policies and that the economic collapse affects all sectors.

Sweida- The peaceful protests erupted in the Druze majority city of Sweida over the high inflation rate and deteriorating economic situation in Syria on August 17, 2023 continue. The people of Sweida have gathered at the Karama Square of Sweida to voice their demands.
Activist Amina Abu Assaf thinks that the deteriorating economic situation in Syria, the falling value of Syrian pound against the dollar are an indicator of the collapse of the country's economy. Pointing to the high prices of products, she said, “Our salaries are insufficient to cover even our daily transportation costs. High prices have forced many workers to quit their jobs to work in the free labor market. Many teachers do private tutoring outside of school to cover their daily expenses.”
‘The health sector is most affected’
Amina Abu Assaf also talked about high fuel prices. “Many bakeries, laboratories and factories in the city have been closed down due to high fuel prices. The health sector is most affected by the economic collapse; many healthcare workers have moved to other cities, there is an increase in the prices of drugs and people cannot find drugs at pharmacies. Farmers use wastewater to irrigate crops. In addition to the water shortage, the farmers suffer from high costs of agricultural fertilizer and feed.”
‘Unjust practices must be eliminated’
Journalist and human rights defender Iman Abu Assaf thinks that the government’s policies have caused the deteriorating economic situation. “It has no intention to improve the situation. The government wants to maintain its power. The economic situation has become miserable due to the labor migration and the migration of experts to other countries. In order to improve the economy of the country, unjust practices must be eliminated.”
‘Corruption led to the economic collapse’
Iman Abu Assaf told us that one of the reasons why the people took to the streets was corruption. “Those who tried to investigate the profits obtained from the sale of minerals, oil and other natural sources were arrested. If the profits obtained from natural sources had been invested, Syria would be one of the most powerful countries. However, the authorities stole and transferred them outside the country. Corruption led to the economic collapse in the country.