Women of Shengal: They cannot annihilate us by attacking
Women of Shengal condemning the attack carried out in Shengal yesterday called on the Yazidi community to unite.

Shengal (Sinjar) - Yesterday (June 15), Turkish drones targeted and shelled the Sinunê Peoples’ Assembly and shops in the town of Sinunê located in the Shengal. The attack killed a shopkeeper and his 12-year-old grandson and injured seven civilians, including a journalist. Condemning the attack, the women of Shengal said that the Iraqi government and Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP or PDK) are responsible for the attack on their homeland.
“The aim is to annihilate the Yazidi people”
Highlighting that the aim of the attacks is to annihilate the Yazidi people, Yazidi Free Women's Movement (TAJÊ) member Zozan Simo said that the people apply to the Peoples’ Assembly to find solution to their problems and that their children are the members of the assembly. “The attack may have been carried out by the Turkish drone but this doesn’t show that the Turkish state is the only responsible for the attack. The Iraqi government and KDP are also responsible for the attack because their silence results in such attacks.”
“They should leave us alone”
“I am very angry due to the attacks. They should leave us alone. Our homeland is very beautiful. They should not target our children anymore. The Turkish drones and jets should stop shelling us,” said Neyîme Xelef, a resident of Sînûne while expressing her anger.”
“This is unacceptable”
Ceklîn Hisên, another member of the TAJÊ, is one of the witnesses of the attack took place in Sinûnê. “The planes and drones of the occupying Turkish state attacked the Peoples’ Assembly. They shelled the shops. What do they want from us, Yazidis? Do they want to complete the genocide committed against us in 2014? A 12-year-old child was killed in the attack. This is unacceptable,” she said.
“We should unite”
Underlining that the Yazidis should unite against the attacks, Caklîn Hisên said, “Be on the alert against the games of the KDP. The Yazidi community should rise up and unite against attacks. Our community should remember that these attacks are a part of the agreement signed on October 9.”