Women from Qamishlo: We will not be annihilated by tanks and artillery
Reacting to the attacks of the Turkish state on North and East Syria, women of Qamishlo said, “We will not be annihilated by tanks and artillery. We will not leave our homeland. We stand firm and we will keep resisting.

Qamishlo- On November 19, Turkey launched an airstrike on North and East Syria’s Kobanê, Dêrîk, Shahba, Dirbesiyê, Şera and Zirganê cities. ANHA reporter and 14 citizens were killed in the airstrike. Women living in Qamishlo react to the Turkish attacks and said that they were determined to resist.
“They cannot annihilate us”
Sediya Hisên, a resident of Qamishlo’s Hilêliyê Street, said that Kurds cannot be annihilated. “Our houses are on the border of Bakur and Rojava Kurdistan. The occupying Turkish state has intensified its attacks against us under the pretext of protecting its border. Civilians are killed in these attacks. As a result of Turkey's fascist and inhuman attacks, thousands of our young men and women were martyred. We will not leave our homeland. We will not surrender to the Turkish state even if we die. We live in our own homeland. The occupying Turkish state cannot take our rights from us. The Turkish state aims to annihilate us. However, Kurds cannot be annihilated because they are like flower seeds; we are everywhere. They cannot annihilate us by attacking us,” she told NuJINHA.
“All people must unite”
Resmiya Mihemed, a resident of the Cirnikê village located on the border of Qamishlo, called on all people living in North and East Syria to unite. She said, “We condemn the international silence against the ongoing Turkish attacks on our region. We live on the borderline and the ongoing attacks put children and women in danger. We call on all people living in North and East Syria to unite against the attacks. We must resist the plans aiming to occupy our region and lives.
Speaking on the targeting of women in the attacks, Resmiya Mihemed said, “Many of our women pioneers were martyred in Turkey's fascist attacks. We condemn the systematic attacks and plans of the Turkish state against women. Erdoğan must know that women will keep resisting. No one can break our will.”
“We will not leave our country”
Helîma Ebdulrehman stated that they would not leave their country despite all the attacks and said, “On November 19, the Turkish warplanes attacked Kobanê, Shahba, Dirbêsiyê and Dêrik. Dozens of people were killed and wounded in the attack. The Turkish state aims to depopulate our region in order to place the members of its armed groups. We say that this is a dream, a dream that will never be realized. We are not afraid of anyone and we will never leave our country. Our power and will is stronger than their barbarity. They use all kinds of methods against us but they must know that our will is stronger than their methods.”
“We will resist”
Reacting to the international silence against the ongoing Turkish attacks on North and East Syria, Helîma Ebdulrehman said, “The states such as the USA and Russia have done nothing for these people until now. They say they support us but it is not true. These states have not reacted to these attacks. Innocent people are targeted in the Turkish attacks. We resisted and we will resist these attacks. The people of all ages will resist attacks.”