‘We will stand firm against attacks’
Speaking about the massacres that took place in Paris against the Kurds, Rojiyana Hisên, member of the Jineology Research Center, said, “We will stand firm against attacks.”

Aleppo- On January 9, 2013, three Kurdish women politicians Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez were murdered. While there were several days for the 10th anniversary of this massacre, a second massacre took place in Paris on December 23, 2022. Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council Member Emine Kara (Evîn Goyi), Kurdish singer Mîr Perwer (Mehmet Şirin Aydın) and Abdurrahman Kızıl were murdered in the second massacre.
In an interview with NuJINHA, Rojiyana Hisên, member of the Jineology Research Center spoke about the massacres that took place in Paris and said, “The Kurdish people will not give up on their demands and will fight against all attacks.”
‘We will stand against attacks’
Pointing to the ongoing Turkish attacks on four parts of Kurdistan, particularly on North and East Syria, Rojiyana Hisên commented on the attacks targeting the pioneers of the Kurdish people by saying, “The Turkish state targets pioneer women to annihilate the Kurdish people. There is a political and economic deal between Türkiye and France. After the massacre that took place in Paris in 2013, we witnessed another massacre. We will not remain silent against the ongoing threats of the Turkish state on North and East Syria and its attacks on our defense zones. We will fight our enemies and stand firm. Although French President Emmanuel Macron issued a statement confirming that they will stand with the Kurdish people who demand peace, we see that the demands of the Kurdish people to reveal the perpetrators of massacres are marginalized.”