‘We will realize the dreams of Sakine Cansız and her comrades’
On the 10th anniversary of the massacre that took place in Paris on January 9, 2013, the members of the Afrin/Shahba Jineology Academy said, “We will realize the dreams of Sakine Cansız and her comrades for an equal and free life.”

Shahba- Sakine Cansız (Sara), one of the founders of the PKK, Fidan Doğan (Rojbîn), Paris Representative of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK), and Leyla Şaylemez (Ronahî), member of the Kurdish youth movement were murdered in Paris on January 9, 2013. The members of the Afrin/Shahba Jineology Academy spoke to NuJINHA to mark the 10th anniversary of the massacre.
Şêrîn Hesen began her speech by condemning the massacre and then said, “Those who committed the massacre must be brought to account. Martyr Sakine made great efforts for the rights of oppressed women. She was one of the founders of the Kurdish Women’s Freedom Movement. She fought the patriarchal mentality oppressing women. For this reason, she was targeted by the patriarchal mentality. Comrade Sakine and her comrades were at the frontline of women’s struggle for freedom. Comrade Sakine always tried to save women from slavery and tyranny. These three women pioneers were targeted because of their struggle for women. Now, we follow in the footsteps of Sakine Cansız. They cannot break our will by targeting our pioneers. On the contrary, our anger and our feeling of revenge will grow even more. We will take vengeance for our heroes and we will realize the dreams of Sakine Cansız and her comrades for an equal and free life.”
‘The struggle for freedom never ends’
Arîn Elî emphasized that the massacre was committed by the Turkish state. “The anniversary of the Paris Massacre is approaching. We condemn the attack that targeted Sakine Cansız and her comrades. France talks about so-called democracy and freedoms. However, massacres took place in its capital and those who committed the massacres go unpunished. The massacre against the three Kurdish women was committed by the Turkish Intelligence Organization. The attack on Sakine Cansız and her comrades was an attack on the women’s struggle for freedom. However, they failed to achieve their goal. They should know very well that the women’s struggle for freedom never ends. Women keep struggling for freedom all around the world.”