Training course in Morocco on response mechanisms to prevent gender-based violence
The Tahadi Association for Equality and Citizenship organized a training course on response mechanisms to prevent gender-based violence.

Morocco- The Tahadi Association for Equality and Citizenship (Association Tahadi pour l'Egalité et la Citoyenneté- ATEC) organized a training course on May 18-19 in Casablanca in partnership with Aman Network on the response mechanisms to prevent gender-based violence as part of its project called, “We all report violence against women”.
Women participating in the course got information about legal developments and international convention ratified by Morocco to eliminate violence against women. As the NuJINHA team, we attended the course and interviewed the women participating in the course.
Hayat Al-Tibi attended the course to support women victims of violence. “Women should know their legal rights and be aware of the contents of the family code. I decided to attend the course to support the women suffering from violence by giving information about their legal rights,” she told us.
“Women should know their rights”
Jalila al-Kafi, another participant of the course, believes that women can combat violence against them only when they know their rights. “Since women make up 50 percent of the world's population and they raise the next generations, they shouldn’t tolerate violence against them. They must have the courage to fight violence,” she said.
Nadia Al-Tabi told us that she decided to participate in the course to think more about the phenomenon of gender-based violence especially since the number of women suffering from violence has been increasing. “Many non-government organizations help women who are victims of violence,” she added.
“Violence against women is a significant social problem”
Bouchra Abdou, Director of the Tahadi Association for Equality and Citizenship, told us that they organized the training course as part of their project titled, “We all report violence against women”. “The Tahadi Association for Equality and Citizenship and all its partners will continue the struggle to eliminate the phenomenon of violence, which is one of the oldest violations of human rights.”