‘The Treaty of Lausanne is a dirty conspiracy’
Rojava Center for Strategic Studies (NRLS) member Rozerîn Bekir commented on the Treaty of Lausanne, which will enter its 100th year. “It is the dirtiest conspiracy on people.”

Hasakah- Under the leadership of the Rojava Center for Strategic Studies (NRLS), an international workshop kicked off yesterday in the Hasakah Canton of North and East Syria under the title, “Lausanne: course Correction , Stability , and Regional security”. The workshop will end today. 150 individuals, including lawyers, politicians, artists, writers and representatives of NGOs attended the workshop held on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne signed in the Palais de Rumine, Lausanne, Switzerland, on July 24, 1923.
At the workshop, the current situation of the Kurds, the attacks on them and the solutions have been discussed. In an interview with NuJINHA, NRLS member Rozerîn Bekir commented on the 100th anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne and said that the solution is the system aiming to build a democratic nation.
‘The Treaty of Lausanne is a dirty conspiracy’
Emphasizing that the Treaty of Lausanne is one of the most dangerous treaties for the people in the region, she said, “This year, July 24 will mark the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne. On July 24, 1923, the treaty divided Kurdistan into four parts. Since the treaty was signed, people from different nations, particularly Kurdish people, have been subjected to genocidal attacks and massacres and many places have been occupied. We see the Treaty of Lausanne as a dirty conspiracy by the sovereign states of the previous century. And this conspiracy still takes place against people along with ongoing threats, invasions and attacks.
‘The solution is the system aiming building a democratic nation’
Rozerîn Bekir indicated that the aim of the workshop is to tell the reality behind the Treaty of Lausanne to the public.
“The main aim of the workshop is to tell the reality behind the Treaty of Lausanne to the public and how it divided a nation. Undoubtedly, women and children are the most vulnerable in wars and conflicts. This treaty is against women and society because a system is being implemented and this system has alienated women and society from their nature aiming to enslave, murder, arrest and displace people and destroy villages and cities. It aims to destroy the identity, language and culture of the Kurdish people. This treaty must be reviewed in order to hand over the rights of people. Despite this treaty and other treaties and agreements against the people, the struggle and unity of the people have achieved many gains. We believe that the system aiming to build a democratic nation is the solution to all problems faced by people so that they enjoy a free life. This system has been developed by the unity of people.”