‘The proposed amendments will cause societal collapse if approved’
The proposed amendments to the Iraqi Personal Status Law No. 188 of 1959 aim to reduce the minimum age for marriage and eliminate women’s rights, say the women of Sulaymaniyah, stressing that the amendments will cause societal collapse if approved.

Sulaymaniyah- Some Shiite parties submitted a bill to amend the Iraqi Personal Status Law No.188 of 1959 to the Iraqi Parliament on August 4, 2024. The proposed amendments pose a threat to the basic rights of women and children, aiming at depriving women of their custody rights, reducing the minimum age for marriage.
‘Raising awareness is important’
Alaa Omar, a female student in Sulaymaniyah, thinks that the proposed amendments pose a threat to women and children. “The amendments aims to legalize child marriage. Separating girls from their families when they are nine years old is an injustice to both girls and their mothers. Girls should go to school, not be married off. The amendments pose a threat to the basic rights of women and children in Iraq. Raising awareness in society is important. We should raise awareness about the threats posed by the proposed amendments by organizing conferences and seminars and using social media platforms.”
‘They will cause societal collapse if approved’
“If the proposed amendments are approved, child marriages will be legalized,” said Dima Nasr, another woman in Sulaymaniyah. “The minimum age for marriage should be 20. I hope that proposed amendments would not be approved by the parliament. 9-year-old girls are not physically, mentally and sexually ready for marriage. The proposed amendments will cause societal collapse if approved. We should organize activities and launch campaigns to raise awareness about the threats posed by the amendments.”
‘Child marriage is a human rights violation’
Child marriage is a human rights violation, said Shabano Ahmed. “As a mother, I am against the marriage of 9-year-old girls. I endure all the difficulties caused by the patriarchal mindset to build a healthy life for my children and myself. As women, we should defend our rights and launch a campaign against the proposed amendments.”
‘Media plays an important role’
Tharwa Omar thinks that the proposed amendments are unacceptable. “Forcing 9-year-old girls into marriage is a crime. If the minimum age for marriage is reduced, it will cause a societal collapse. Media plays an important role in raising awareness against the proposed amendments.”