‘The President and the Ministry of Justice are responsible for the persecution’
The families of prisoners call for release of sick prisoners and the prisoners, who are not released despite having completed their sentences, once again on the 379th day of their Justice Watch.

Amed -The Justice Watch started by the families of prisoners demanding the release of sick prisoners and the prisoners, who are not released despite having completed their sentences, has entered its 379th day.
Today, the families of prisoners gathered in front of the Council of Forensic Medicine (ATK) in Diyarbakır to issue their statement with the support of the members of the Association for Assistance to Prisoners' Families (TUAY-DER), the Association of Assistance, Solidarity, Unity and Culture with Families Losing Their Relatives in the Cradle of Civilizations (MEBYA-DER) and the Mesopotamia Language and Culture Research Association (MED-DER).
“The President and the Ministry of Justice are responsible for the persecution,” İnci Güler, relative of one of the sick prisoners, said in her speech. “There are very serious sick prisoners. Neither political parties nor public institutions care about this issue. We want to tell them; ‘If we face this persecution today, you will face it tomorrow’. Sick prisoners must be released from prison. However, political parties remain silent. They will never understand us until their children face the same thing. As we always say; we will resist outside while our children resist inside.”