‘The Green Left Party will be our voices in the parliament’
Women of Amed say they will support the Green Left Party in the parliamentary elections to be held in Türkiye on May 14. “Together, we should stop this misogynous government.”

Amed (Diyarbakır)- The presidential and parliamentary elections will be held in Türkiye on May 14, 2023. While the elections are approaching, the political parties speed up their election campaigns. The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), which faces a closure case, announced that they would enter the upcoming general elections through the Green Left Party. The Green Left Party has already opened its election offices, especially women’s election offices in many cities and districts. The opening ceremonies of women’s election offices have turned into rallies with the participation of many people, especially women. At the opening ceremonies, women call on everyone demanding democracy and justice to vote for the Green Left Party.
‘Together, we should stop this misogynous government’
NuJINHA spoke to several women of Amed about the upcoming elections. One of these women, Zülfiye Kişmir says that they, as Kurdish women, support the Green Left Party. Calling on everyone to struggle for the future of society, she said, “We, as Kurdish people, will vote for the Green Left Party in the elections against the current government because the Green Left Party defends women’s rights and justice. This government must go. The current government maintains its existence by carrying out misogynous policies and creating hostility among people. We should say 'enough' to this now. Society, women and youth need to take a breath. To take a breath, all women, people demanding justice and democracy must support the Green Left Party.”
‘We should struggle for justice and democracy’
Hayriye Filiz also called on everyone to support the Green Left Party in the elections. “Voting for the Green Left Party is voting for ourselves. I support the Green Left Party because I defend peace, democracy and justice. We want no one to die. People from all segments suffer from the economic crisis. We should unite and fight in order to overthrow this dictatorship. President Erdoğan insults women every day. I call on all Kurdish mothers and young people to vote for the Green Left Party, for freedom. Today, we are going to open our election office here; however, the number of police officers is more than our number. As Kurdish people, we should join hands to get victory together.”
‘The Green Left Party will be our voice’
Emphasizing that they will vote for change, Eylem Yavuz thinks the Green Left Party will be their voice in the parliament. “We will vote for the Green Left Party because it will be our voice in the parliament. We will go to the ballot box to show that we exist. Women are always ignored and we do not accept this. We will vote for the Green Left Party because it defends democracy, equality, peace and justice. Every day, women are killed. Every day, Kurdish people are killed. Together, we should stop this misogynous government. Everyone should struggle for unity and peace.”