System that defends women’s rights: Autonomous Administration
Nine years have passed since the establishment of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria. While the Autonomous Administration responds to the conflicts, problems and demands of the people, this model defends the rights, existence and identi

Kobanê- The waves of the Arab Spring that took place in the Middle East and North Africa between 2010 and 2011, reached Syria in March 2011. Kurds living in Rojava Kurdistan chose the third way after the waves of the revolution in Syria turned into a crisis day by day. Amid the Syrian civil war, Kurds declared self-rule and the Kurdistan Revolution in 2012.
Kobanê, Afrin and Cizîrê, three regions of Rojava, chose the Autonomous Administration System based on the Democratic Nation Project of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan in order to have a democratic, equal and free live after they freed themselves from the Ba'ath regime. On January 21, 2014, the Cizîre Canton declared their autonomy from the Syrian government. In the same month, the Afrin Canton declared their autonomy and on January 27, the Kobanê Canton declared their autonomy from the Syrian government. After the liberation of Manbij, Tabqa, Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor from ISIS, many institutions were established under the umbrella of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria.
To defend women’s rights
People from all nations and religions such as Arabs, Armenians, Assyrians, Turkmen, Circassians and Kurds in North and East Syria began to take part in the system of the Autonomous Administration to have an equal, democratic and free life. The Autonomous Administration spread across Rojava to ensure the free will of the society, ecology, democracy and women's freedom.
On the 9th anniversary of the establishment of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), NuJINHA spoke to the co-chairs of the AANES in the Euphrates Region. In the interview with our news agency, they commented on many issues such as the co-presidential system, women’s organizations and the latest situation in the region.
‘We rose against the nation-state system’
Firyaz Berkel, co-chair of the Board of Finance in the Euphrates Region, thinks the Autonomous Administration System is an uprising against the nation-state system. “The Autonomous Administration system did not emerge at random; it emerged as the result of 40 years of struggle. The people of Rojava Kurdistan lived under the mentality of the Ba'ath regime aiming to maintain the system based on one color, one language, one flag and one race although there are dozens of nations, languages and religions in Syria. Since the start of conflicts in Syria and the revolution in Rojava that started on July 19, 2012, our region has been subjected to attacks by the Turkish state, Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS. Despite the attacks, the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria was established on January 27, 2014. This system was established to be an umbrella organization for people from all nations and religions. The Autonomous Administration is an uprising against the nation-state system to build a democratic and free life,” she told us.
‘The remarkable aspect of the system is the presence of women’
Speaking about the co-presidential system in the region, Firyaz Berkel said, “The Autonomous Administration system has many remarkable aspects. The first remarkable aspect of the system is the presence of women. The high presence of women in this system attracted the attention of many countries and parties and it still attracts their attention. Because women play an important role in this system. Many people came to our region to see if the so-presidential system is carried out or it just remains on paper. This system is a successful system and it left nine years behind. There are women's institutions within the Autonomous Administration system. These institutions aim to increase the education level of women, to monitor, organize, defend and protect women.”
‘The Autonomous Administration responded to the demands of the people’
Commenting on the establishment of the Autonomous Administration, Hêlîn Hacim, Co-chair of the Committee on Social Affairs in the Euphrates Region, said, “Nine years have passed since the establishment of the Autonomous Administration, which was first established Afrin, Kobanê and Cizîrê Cantons and then spread to regions in the North and East Syria. As it is known, there are many differences between the Autonomous Administration system and the systems of other countries. The people from all nations and religions in the region are able to represent themselves in the Autonomous Administration system. When the Syrian people were suffering from many crises, they could not tolerate the Ba'ath regime’s nation-state and racism system anymore and the Autonomous Administration system became necessary for them to get rid of the Ba'ath regime’s nation-state and racism system. In this situation, the birth of the Autonomous Administration changed many things in the region. It responded to the demands of the people. Under the umbrella of the Autonomous Administration, all people, particularly women and young people, can express their thoughts freely.”
Speaking about the role of women in this system, Hêlîn Hacim said, “Now, women actively participate in this system and its organizations. There are many women organizations and institutions within this system. These organizations and institutions develop projects for women. Women take part and play a decisive role in committees and communes of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria. This system unites women of North and East Syria.”
‘We will continue to be role model for women all around the world’
Drawing attention to the solidarity of women to defend the revolution in Rojava and the Autonomous Administration system, Hêlîn Hacim said, “The women of North and East Syria have taken many steps within the Autonomous Administration and achieved many gains. They were able to start a new revolution within the revolution. This system has been subjected to attacks for years. Many efforts have been made to destroy this system and women’s gains. To mark the ninth anniversary of this system, we say: As women from different nations and religions, we have embraced this system and became a part of the resistance to protect it. For this reason, we will never take a step back and we will continue to be role models for women all around the world. Today, women chant the slogan ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadi” all around the world.”