‘Partners of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS must take a serious stance’
“Partners of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS must take a serious stance on fighting ISIS,” said Züleyha Abdi, chair of the Education Committee in Raqqa.

Raqqa- Since the Moscow concert hall attack claimed by ISIS killed 143 people and injured more than 100 people on March 22, the threat posed by ISIS has been brought to the world agenda again while it keeps carrying out its attacks on Syria and North and East Syria. ISIS, supported by the Turkish state, keeps attacking cities such as Raqqa, Tebqa, Manbij and Deir ez-Zor, the cities liberated from ISIS.
“ISIS still poses a threat to the whole world, Züleyha Abdi, Chair of the Education Committee in Raqqa, said in an interview with NuJINHA.
ISIS declared Raqqa as its de facto capital. Since Raqqa was liberated from ISIS, it has been subjected to attacks by ISIS. “Last year, members of the Internal Security Forces were attacked in the western part of the city by ISIS. This year, they were attacked again. Raqqa is attacked by ISIS sleeper cells every year. The regions that have become safe and stable are still subjected to terrorist attacks.”
‘The partners of the coalition are not serious’
Züleyha Abdi criticizes the lack of support to the Syrian Democratic Forces (QSD) in the fight against ISIS. “While ISIS still poses a threat to the whole world, countries have not repatriated their citizens, members of ISIS, yet. The attack in Russia shows that ISIS still poses a threat to the whole world. However, the partners of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS are not serious in fighting ISIS.”
‘The Damascus government cannot protect the region’
The Turkish state is behind the recent increase in the activities of ISIS in the region and the world, Züleyha Abdi said. “We have witnessed what happened since the approval of the Social Contract and the attacks targeting civilian infrastructure, which aim to destroy the stability and security of the region. The re-emergence of ISIS is a policy. ISIS has killed innocent people trying to earn a living. This situation proves that the Damascus government cannot protect the region. Only the SDF fights ISIS now. Partners the coalition must take a serious stance on fighting ISIS.”