‘One million signatures for peace’ petition for resolution of Kurdish question
The People’s Democratic Congress (HDK) has launched the “One million signatures for peace” petition for the resolution of the Kurdish question.

Istanbul- The People’s Democratic Congress (HDK) held a meeting at a hotel in Istanbul’s Beyoğlu district onThursday, announcing the launch of the “One million signatures for peace” petition for the resolution of the Kurdish question.
The meeting was attended by the HDK Spokespersons Meral Danış Beştaş and Ali Kenanoğlu, the People’s Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Co-chair Tuncer Bakırhan and the representatives of the HDK.
‘The door of peace has been slightly opened’
“A chance should be given peace,” said Meral Danış Beştaş at the meeting. “The door of peace has been slightly opened. Maybe we are very close (to peace) or maybe we will determine this closeness. Therefore, we have launched a petition. The peace process is not an easy process. If achieving peace were easy, the world would not suffer from wars. The world has witnessed two World Wars and now we are on the verge of World War III.”
‘We want a peace built on solid bricks’
Meral Danış Beştaş also spoke about the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip after Israeli attacks. “We cannot forget what has happened in Gaza for a long time. We must decide whether we want to be on these shameful pages in history or stand with those who want to leave a legacy of honorable peace. We want a peace built on solid bricks. As the HDK, we are responsible to put forward the issue of socializing peace. We will hold a conference in Istanbul from February 8 to February 9. What is the socialization of peace? It is a matter allowing all people to find themselves, the voice of the whole society, not just one voice, to be heard. The Kurdish question is an issue of denial. The unity of all denied and ignored segments for peace is possible. We are on the edge of this possibility. It’s time to make it possible instead of standing on that edge.”
“The Kurdish question awaits its democratic, peaceful and social resolution,” said Ali Kenanoğlu. “We cannot give up on ensuring peace and defending our future common life. The genocidal attacks in the Middle East and Syria have also shown that peace is essential for all people from different nationalities and religions in the region. Therefore, we urge all political and social groups, especially the TBMM (Grand National Assembly of Türkiye) and all citizens longing for a free and fair life to take responsibility for the building of peace.”