Message from Italy to women of NE Syria: We will defend the revolution
“We will defend the revolution by all means. You are not alone,” said Laura Quagliuolo, a member of Rete Jin, to express her solidarity with the women resisting the attacks on North and East Syria.

Italy- Laura Quagliuolo, a member of Rete Jin, an Italian network of women in support of the Kurdish women’s movement founded in 2018, has sent a message of solidarity to the women resisting the attacks of the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions on North and East Syria.
‘We have learned many things from the women’s revolution’
Women in North and East Syria keep fighting against the attacks of the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions, said her message. “We know that you have been going through a difficult period and that the Turkish fascist state has intensified its attacks. We also know how you are strong and resist. In Italy, we have learned many things from the women’s revolution (in Rojava) and kept learning.”
Expressing her support to the women of North and East Syria, she said, “We will defend the revolution by all means. You are not alone.”