Kurdish young people to take to streets for Abdullah Öcalan
The Kurdish Youth Movement will hold protests in France, Germany and Switzerland to demand the physical freedom of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan.

News Center- The Revolutionary Youth Movement (Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger-TCŞ) and the Fighting Young Women (Jinên Ciwan ên Têkoşer-TekoJIN) will hold protests in France, Germany and Switzerland to demand the physical freedom of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan with the motto, “We will win the war of liberation (Kurdish: Cenga Azadiyê Serbixin)”.
The movement has released a statement calling on all Kurdish young people living in Germany, France and Switzerland to take part in the protests to be held tomorrow.
The places and the time of protests are as follows:
*Germany: In front of DGB Haus, Düsseldorf, at noon.
*France: Place de la République, Paris, at 5pm.
*France: La Canabière, Marseille, at 7pm.
*Switzerland: Helvetiaplatz, 8004, Zürich, at 1pm.