Kurdish filmmaker Viyan Mayi calls for solidarity with Rojava
In an interview with NuJINHA, Kurdish filmmaker Viyan Mayi criticized the international silence against the ongoing attacks on North and East Syria and called for solidarity with Rojava.

News Center-The international community remains silent against the ongoing attacks on North and East Syria. In an interview with NuJINHA, Kurdish filmmaker Viyan Mayi, who currently lives in Sweden, criticized the international silence and called for defending the gains in Rojava.
Who is Viyan Mayi?
Viyan Mayi is a Kurdish filmmaker from the Mayi village of Colemerg (Hakkari). “I am a Kurdish woman, always proud to be a Kurd,” she told NuJINHA. “I am happy to be a woman. I am a filmmaker. I produced films telling stories from my childhood although I never watched a movie. Then, I heard that there was a sector called cinema. I went to Mosul and started writing stories there.”
Viyan Mayi then moved to Sweden and had the opportunity to study cinema and filmmaking after becoming a mother. “My dream came true. After completing my education, I went to Southern Kurdistan and started producing films. I have directed seven films so far. I shot my first movie called ‘Name’ with a team from Sweden. All my films are in Kurdish, except the first one. I have received awards at many international and Kurdish film festivals. My most popular films are ‘Keça Kurdan (the Kurdish Girl)’ and ‘Kevoka Spî (The White Dove).”
‘I see the system in Rojava Kurdistan as a democratic system’
Viyan also expressed her feelings about the recent situation in Rojava. “As Kurds, we have changed many things in our lives thanks to the revolution in Rojava. Women’s participation in decision-making positions as managers, politicians and fighters is the source of pride, showing that women are capable of doing everything. I see the system in Rojava Kurdistan as a democratic system, in which all people live together. Art develops there. In fact, it (Rojava) is a place of pride and achievement.”
‘European media does mention the demands of the Kurdish people’
Viyan expressed her sadness for the silence of Swedish media outlets about the Kurds. “They never mention the Kurds. They only write about Syria, the fall of the regime, where and how Assad lives. They tell how armed groups gain power and how they are supported. I think they know the truth, too. The truth is that Kurds will have democracy, human rights, and women's rights and become a role model for the whole world. Therefore, the countries selling arms do not like us. They form armed and terrorist groups. In other words, I can say that Europe plays ostrich against the Kurds, their cause and the price the Kurds have paid. They do not care about the massacres committed against the Kurds and they run away from the truth.”
Call for defending Rojava
At the end of her speech, Viyan expressed how she is proud of the revolution in Rojava. “This is, of course, our cause. I call on women all around the world, especially women of Kurdistan to educate themselves well and protect their identity. Stand up for Rojava, Bakkur, Bashur and Rojhilat Kurdistan. All we want is our rights, our homeland, our identity and our language. I support my country and call on all women of Kurdistan and the world to support and be in solidarity with Rojava.”