Kongra Star: We oppose the Turkish occupation and defend the women's revolution
Kongra Star has released a written statement demanding Turkey immediately stop its attacks on NE Syria. “We oppose the Turkish state's attacks aimed at destroying democratic self-governing structures,” the statement says.

News Center- Kongra Star, the umbrella organization of women in North and East Syria, has released a written statement entitled, “With united strength we oppose the Turkish occupation and defend the women's revolution.”
“In the shadow of the Ukraine war, a new Turkish war of aggression is currently threatening the region of the democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria,” the statement says, “To this end, the Turkish state is resorting to a dirty policy of blackmail, instrumentalizing the NATO membership application of Finland and Sweden to get the green light for another occupation operation. Once again, the people of North and East Syria face the threat of a military offensive to occupy their homeland by Turkey and its jihadist mercenaries. This in turn threatens security and peaceful coexistence throughout the region.”
“The AKP government is therefore trying to gain approval in society through military victories”
Emphasizing the current situation in Turkey, the statement says, “In light of the fact that 2023 will be the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Turkish Republic, the current phase is a strategic one, and thus another war of expansion for Turkey is of important significance. On the one hand, elections are coming up in Turkey and the AKP government is therefore trying to gain approval in society through military victories. On the other hand, it aims to usher in the second republic on the 100th anniversary of Turkey's founding. To this end, the Misak-ı Millî national pact, which states that Turkey's borders include northern Syria and northern Iraq, is to be implemented through military occupation. The current occupation of cities such as Afrin, Serekaniye and Bab in northern Syria as well as dozens of Turkish military bases in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) serve this goal.
“The KDP supports the Turkish army in its current offensive against PKK guerrillas”
Indicating that the KDP is making itself a handmaiden of this policy by supporting the Turkish army in its current offensive against PKK guerrillas, Kongra star says, “In this context, a far-reaching plan to destroy the self-determination of the Kurdish people and all democratic forces in the region is being put on the agenda.
Currently, the Turkish state's violent attacks, including targeted killings, drone strikes, and military occupation offensives against the Kurdish population, have reached a new level with airstrikes on northeastern Syria, the Yezidi homeland of Sinjar, and the Maxmûr refugee camp in northern Iraq. Turkey justifies these attacks, which violate international law, as so-called "self-defense." The Turkish state claims that its national security is under direct threat. However, this does not correspond to reality in any way. Turkey is waging a war of aggression against democratic self-government in North and East Syria. In doing so, it is targeting the self-governing and democratic forces in the region because they stand in the way of the plan to establish a neo-Ottoman empire.”
“Women are repeatedly targeted”
Stressing the women’s revolution in North and East Syria, the statement says that the women revolution has established a democratic system of self-government over the past ten years, with women's liberation at its core, is a thorn in the side of the Turkish state. “During the last ten years, grassroots democratic structures and strong mechanisms for defending women's rights have been established there. This year we celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Rojava Revolution. In this sense, we are in an important phase for the women's revolution as well, to defend and strengthen the existing democratic achievements. The social model in Northern and Eastern Syria is a solution to the social problems created by patriarchy and capitalism and is an alternative to it. The Turkish state is now trying to prevent this alternative model by all means. For this reason, women who are politically or socially active and play a pioneering role in society are repeatedly targeted,” the Kongra Star said in the statement.
“We cannot silently accept this threat to universal and democratic values!”
Underlining that they oppose the Turkish state's attacks aimed at destroying democratic self-governing structures, whether through attacks on the self-governance in Sinjar, autonomous administration in North and East Syria, the grassroots-organized refugee camp in Makhmour, or the Medya Defense Areas in South Kurdistan, Kongra Star says:
“We cannot silently accept this threat to universal and democratic values! It is the societal force that should influence politics and not the other way around. Therefore, we call on all women and democratic forces to oppose this war, to show solidarity, to exert political pressure and to defend the women's revolution!
We Demand:
Turkey must immediately stop its attacks on the region.
A new war of aggression against northern Syria must be prevented with all possible force.
Turkey and its jihadist mercenaries must completely withdraw from the previously occupied areas in northern Syria.
The recognition of the Democratic Self-Government of Northern and Eastern Syria.
Jin Jiyan Azadi (Women, Life, Freedom).”