Killing of four people in Jindires condemned in Sulaymaniyah
Holding a press conference, the Democratic Union Party (PYD) office in Sulaymaniyah condemned the killing of four people in Afrin’s Jindires town on the evening of March 20.

Sulaymaniyah- The Democratic Union Party (PYD) office in Sulaymaniyah held a press conference, condemning the killing of four people in Afrin Jindires town on the evening of March 20 while celebrating Newroz.
On the evening of March 20, people went out to celebrate Newroz; however, the members of Ahrar al-Sharqiya affiliated to the Turkey-backed Syrian National Army (SNA) opened fire on them, killing four civilians. The attack on the people celebrating Newroz has sparked anger among Kurdish people all around the world. Many organizations and political parties have released press statements condemning the killing of four people.
The Democratic Union Party (PYD) office in Sulaymaniyah held a press conference today to condemn the killing of four people in Jindires.
Call on the United Nations Security Council
Drawing attention to the importance of Newroz for the Kurdish people, the PYD office in Sulaymaniyah said, “We strongly condemn this massacre. The Turkish state is responsible for the killing of four citizens. We call on the United Nations Security Council to take responsibility and steps to end the ongoing occupation of the Turkish state in Afrin, Girêsipî, Serêkaniyê and other parts of Syria.”