Jailed politicians support campaign launched by HDP for quake survivors
Jailed politicians Figen Yüksekdağ and Sebahat Tuncel have announced their support to the campaign “We are bringing the families together” launched by the HDP for quake survivors.

Ankara- The Crisis Coordination Center of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) continues to be in solidarity with the earthquake survivors in 11 cities affected by the February 6 earthquakes. The center has launched a campaign called “We are bringing the families together,” to meet the accommodation needs of quake survivors. As part of its campaign, the center has brought 436 families together in Turkey and Kurdistan until now.
Jailed politicians support the campaign
HDP former Co-chair Figen Yüksekdağ, who has been held in Kandıra Prison, and Democratic Regions Party (DBP) former Co-chair Sebahat Tuncel, who has been held in Sincan Women’s Closed Prison, have announced their support to the campaign.
On February 23, the Crisis Coordination Center of the HDP held a press conference to announce the campaign and called on families to support earthquake victim families for at least four months. “We show that we are in solidarity with all quake survivors, who have lost their job, family or home,” the center said in the press conference.