International Women's Delegation: We cannot remain silent against the isolation
“We cannot remain silent against the isolation. We will keep struggling in our countries,” said the International Women’s Delegation in a press conference after compiling a report regarding their visits in Istanbul and Amed.

News Center- A 7-member International Women’s Delegation consisting of lawyers, parliamentarians, ecologists and representatives of civil society organizations from European countries conducted visits in Istanbul and Amed (Diyarbakır) from December 9-14 about the isolation imposed on Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has not been allowed to see his lawyers and family members for 33 months.
Today, the delegation held a press conference at the building of the Lawyers Association for Freedom (ÖHD) Istanbul branch. Many lawyers, including the members of the ÖHD, the Asrın Law Office, and People’s Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Amed MP Ceylan Akça Cupolo attended the conference.
DEM Party Amed MO Ceylan Akça Cupolo made the opening speech of the conference. “Today, we are holding a press conference with the members of the delegation from Scotland, Ireland, Catalonia, Mexico and Lebanon. The members of the delegation arrived here (Turkey) on December 8. They conducted visits in Istanbul and Amed. They compiled an observation report regarding their visits. We are in a climate in which the rights of Kurds are under attack in four parts (of Kurdistan). The members of the delegation had a chance to observe this climate. They will share their observations,” Ceylan Akça Cupolo said in her speech.
After the opening speech, Eva Schonveld, a member of the delegation from Scotland, shared the details of their observation report regarding their visits. We came here during Human Rights Week. We listened to the problems experienced by Kurds and other minorities. We conducted visits to NGOs. During our visits, we gave particular importance to the isolation imposed on political prisoners and Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan. Our visits show that Türkiye systematically violates the fundamental rights of the Kurdish people. The fundamental rights of Abdullah Öcalan and political prisoners are violated. International conventions say, ‘No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment’.”
Eva Schonveld also said that the isolation imposed in Imrali prison was reflected in all prisons. “Political prisoners cannot communicate with other prisoners. Sometimes, they are allowed to spend an hour outside of their wards. Sometimes, they are not even allowed to spend time outside of their wards. According to the international standards, long-lasting solitary confinement is a cruel practice and form of torture. This is what is happening in Türkiye. In addition, we heard that sick prisoners are also subjected to this torture. Türkiye has failed to implement human rights. The situation of women prisoners is also an issue that particularly concerns us. In some prisons, more than 50 women prisoners share a toilet. This practice is an insulting practice on the physical and psychological health of women.We cannot remain silent against the isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan and political prisoners. ”
After her speech, Eva Schonveld read their demands.
“*The Istanbul Convention should be resigned immediately.
* EU member states must take immediate action against the persecution inflicted upon the Kurdish people and other minorities.
*Attacks on Rojava must be stopped immediately, the invaders must withdraw from the region.
*The isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan must be lifted immediately. He must be recognized as democratic leader of the Kurdish people and he must be released immediately.
*All political prisoners must be released immediately.
*Immediate action must be taken to put pressure on countries for the removal of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) from its list of foreign terrorist organizations.”
The delegation will submit its report to the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) and international human rights organizations.