PYD Women’s Office organizes courses on women’s rights
The Democratic Union Party (PYD) Women’s Office organizes courses and programs supporting women to take their stolen rights back.

Qamishlo- The Democratic Union Party (Partiya Yekîtiya Demokrat,PYD) Women’s Office has organized awareness-raising activities for women since it was founded in 2003. NuJINHA spoke to Zeynep Hasan, a member of the office, about the activities of the office. One of the decisions taken during the first conference of the PYD was the establishment of a women’s committee. In 2018, the committee became a women's office having its own committees.
‘Women organize themselves under the umbrella of the PYD’
“Women organize themselves under the umbrella of the PYD. There are many unions affiliated to the PYD such as the Union of Workers, the Union of Teachers, and the Union of Doctors. Each union has a women’s office supporting women. The women’s office develops projects for women and collects donations to meet the needs of women and children. The Women’s office has branches in all regions of North and East Syria.”
Cihan Hussein: Women participate in international forums to make their voices heard
Cihan Hüseyin, member of the PYD Diplomacy Committee, thinks diplomacy has an important role for all organizations and women. “The revolution in Rojava gives an opportunity to women to play their role. Since the beginning of the revolution, women have been playing a leading role. The diplomacy committee of women’s movements in North and East Syria aims to achieve security, stability and awareness in neighboring countries. Our primary duty is to work to activate the role of women in society, especially in the revolution and support women to take their stolen rights back.”
Cihan Hüseyin emphasized that women participate in international forums to make their voices heard despite the policies against them. “Today, women make their voices heard and discuss the Kurdish question by participating in international forums,” Cihan Hüseyin said, calling on all women to have a say against customs, traditions, and policies that prevent them from playing their role in society. “Women having a free will can take their rights back. Rights are not given but taken. We should struggle to take our rights.”
Taliba İsmail, member of the Education Committee, thinks education is important for women to play their role in society. “After the revolution in Rojava, we realized that women need education in order to play their role in society. “We have organized courses and programs for women so that they can play their role. Leader Abdullah Öcalan says that education is like water and air for every individual. I call on all women in North and East Syria to give importance to education in order to build a free and democratic society.”