Female Co-mayors meet with women: We need your ideas
Serra Bucak, Co-mayor of the Amed Metropolitan Municipality, and Fatma Gulan Önkol, Co-mayor of the Sur Municipality met with women and heard their demands.

News Center- Serra Bucak, Co-mayor of the Amed Metropolitan Municipality, and Fatma Gulan Önkol, Co-mayor of the Sur Municipality, Zerin Türk, deputy Secretary-General of the Amed Metropolitan Municipality, and Özden Gürbüz, head of the Directorate of Women and Family Services, organized a “Women’s Gathering” at the Mardin Gate, one of the four main gates of Amed (Diyarbakır) Fortress, to hear the demands of women.
‘We need your ideas and criticism’
Many women attended the women’s gathering held at the Women’s Life Center near the Mardin Gate. Our city has suffered from the destruction caused by the state-appointed trustees for eight years, Fatma Gulan Önkol said at the gathering. “The destruction has affected the whole city, especially women. We need your ideas and criticism to eliminate the effects of the destruction. We need to know what women demand for themselves and from the municipalities. We came here to discuss these issues with you and hear your demands.”
Women voiced their demands
The women attending the gathering demanded more courses be organized by the Women's Life Center, solutions to the problems faced by them in their neighborhoods such as garbage, transportation and neighborhood markets and fight against drug use.
Noting the demands of women, Co-mayors emphasized that they would increase the capacity of the Women’s Life Center to meet their demands.