Families of prisons want their voices to be heard
The families of prisoners wanted their voices to be heard during their Justice Watch held in front of the Diyarbakır Courthouse today.

Amed - The Justice Watch started by the families of prisoners demanding the release of sick prisoners and the prisoners, who are not released despite having completed their sentences, continues.
Today, the families gathered in front of the Diyarbakır Courthouse to issue a press statement with the participation of the members of the Association of Assistance and Solidarity with Families Who Lost Their Relatives in the Cradle of Civilizations (MEBYA-DER), Med Federation of Associations for Legal Aid and Solidarity with Families of Arrestees and Convicts (MED TUHAD-FED), Association for Solidarity with Families of Arrestees (TUAY-DER), Democratic Regions Party (DBP) and Lawyers Association for Freedom (ÖHD).
“Nothing left to say”
During the action, Herdem Merwanî said that they have held the justice watch for nine months, “We have demanded the release of sick prisoners and the prisoners, who are not released despite having completed their sentences; however, the Ministry of Justice and all our other interlocutors, particularly politicians, have not gotten in touch with us until now. They remain silent as if no rights violations take place in prisons. But they know that this issue hurts all segments of society. We shout our demands every day. These demands are not only our demands but also the demands of society. Nothing left to say. But this situation will not discourage us to be determined to hold our action.”
“Defend the law”
Herdem Merwanî called on the human rights defenders to be their voices and said, “The prisoners are not released despite having completed their sentences. As Kurds, we are the owners of these lands and we will defend our rights. The politicians in Turkey should defend the law.”