Families of prisoners call for support of political parties
Herdem Mervanî, one of the relatives of prisoners, called for the support of political parties to propose the situation of sick prisoners for the agenda of the Turkish Parliament in the new legislative term.

Amed -The Justice Watch started by the families of prisoners demanding the release of sick prisoners and the prisoners, who are not released despite having completed their sentences, has entered its 316th day. Today, the families have gathered in front of the Council of Forensic Medicine (ATK) in Diyarbakır to issue a statement.
“The situation of sick prisoners must be the first agenda of the parliament”
The statement was read by Herdem Merwanî, the daughter of sick prisoner Abdülhalim Kırtay. Stating that they started their Justice Watch 11 months ago to demand the release of sick prisoners and the prisoners, who are not released despite having completed their sentences, Herdem Merwanî said, “We are determined to demand the release of sick prisoners. This issue is not a personal issue, but a social issue.” Recalling that the new legislative term of the Turkish Parliament will start on October 1, Herdem Merwanî said, “The situation of sick prisoners must be the first agenda of the parliament.”
Call on political parties
“Yes, there are many problems in the country, but the most important problem is the situation of sick prisoners,” Herdem Merwanî said, “For this reason, we call on the political parties again to support us. What we demand is the immediate solution for the problems faced by sick prisoners. We call on all political parties in the parliament to find solutions to the problems of sick prisoners.”