Families of prisoners call for solidarity
On the 254th day of their Justice Watch, the families of prisoners called on the political parties to be in solidarity with them.

Amed- The Justice Watch started by the families of prisoners demanding the release of sick prisoners and the prisoners who are not released despite having completed their sentences, has entered its 254th day. Today, the families gathered in front of the Council of Forensic Medicine (ATK) in Diyarbakır to issue a statement. Nazime Boltan, the mother of seriously sick prisoner Civan Boltan, said that the health conditions of sick prisoners are deteriorating and that they have struggled for months for the release of the sick prisoners and the prisoners, who are not released despite having completed their sentences.
“We will protect our children”
“If there was justice in this state, we would find justice that we are seeking for,” Nazime Boltan said, “Release all sick prisoners, including seriously sick prisoners. The treatment opportunities should be provided to them if they are not released. However, no step has been taken so far. We say once again that we will protect our children to the end. What we demand from the authorities is to enforce their own laws.” At the end of her speech, Nazime Boltan called on the families of sick prisoners and the prisoners, who are not released despite having completed their sentences, to support their Justice Watch and on the political parties to be in solidarity with them.